Timbi-Guard is not a pesticide - it is a wood primer that eliminates insect and fungi infestations
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Wood borer
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Wood borer
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Wood-boring beetles can damage wood in and around a home or building. The adult beetles lay their eggs in cracks and holes in the wood and the larvae, or woodworms, eat their way out of the wood over several years. This can result in holes and tunnels in wood structures, outdoor decks, hardwood floors, furniture, etc. If you see white, non-clumpy powder on or near wood, the infestation is most likely active. Woodworms may still be in the wood. • Yellow clumpy powder is a sign of an old infestation, as are emergence holes in the wood. By the time you see emergence holes, the woodworms have probably already matured into adult beetles and left the wood.If the woodworms and beetles have left the wood, you can either seal the wood with a sealant or replace the wood nd support beams. If you have an active infestation, you will need to treat the wood with Timbi-Guard, a borate-based product, to kill the larvae and remove the infestation. If you have wood that was previously infested with woodworms or wood-boring beetles, the structure of the wood may be compromised due to holes and tunnels from the woodworms. Replace the wood if possible.
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